Fh Joanneum
This is a project, that evolved out of the annual Design Month in Graz with the Topic "Green Transition". The idea is to advance to a more "green" city by 2025 by reaching more and more environmental goals.
For the Green Transition theme, I wanted to look at plastic and microplastics and created excess waste in the form of a fauna that is now made entirely of plastic. The flowers are made of straws and pet bottles, in extreme colors and shapes. The flowers overgrow the abandoned car, but can not hide the garbage, because they themselves are made of garbage. This reflects our society, where garbage is hidden - aka greenwashing - but actually, nothing is done about the fact that such processes do not change the state of today's pollution.
The Project was shown with a projector against a glass window - all black color tones mean no light, thus, are invisible in the window, whereas white is the brightest the beamer will project.  
Projection on sight

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